New Governance Challenges for Board Members in Europe

New Governance Challenges for Board Members in Europe
ecoDa’s 2 day training programme for European Directors
Brussels – 17 & 18 October 2019
Ageas, Lab21, rue du Marquis 1, 1000
ecoDa has developed a European module for directors and supervisory board members seeking to gain a European perspective on board functioning and corporate governance.
The training programme is targeted at directors with a cross-border mandate in their board activities or looking for such a mandate. Anyone seeking to update their knowledge of recent EU policy developments in the field of corporate governance will also benefit from the module.
As result of global economic forces, modern boards are becoming increasingly diverse in their composition and business perspectives. For companies operating across Europe, directors and supervisory board member must rapidly gain an understanding of unfamiliar corporate governance systems, regulations, and best practices. They also need an overview of the rapidly changing and often complex EU policy debate on corporate governance.
ecoDa’s programme promotes the Europeanization of the boardroom. It allows participants to benchmark their own board and governance practices with those of similar companies in other European countries. It offers an expert briefing on significant policy issues in European corporate governance (including regulatory developments). Throughout the module, participants are provided with the information and know-how that will be essential in fulfilling a cross-border board mandate.
A valuable benefit of the programme is the chance to become part of a unique ecoDa professional network consisting of individuals with a distinctive interest and expertise in pan-European corporate governance and board functioning.
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