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First Status Report on Capital Market Union ? April 25th 2016 – ecoDa Week Alert N. 17

ecoDa on Capital Market Union .... - ecoDa Alert N.17

ecoDa Week Alert N. 17

It includes:

  1. First Status Report on Capital Market Union divided into: Actions adopted; Key initiatives; Preparation of other CMU actions to deliver in 2017-2018
  2. European Women on Boards – Report on progress and challenges for Women on Company Board
  3. Shareholders’ Rights Directive – news
  4. Audit Reform Implementation – UK – Financial Reporting Council Guidance on Audit Committees
  5. European Economic and Social Committee – Report on the Anti Tax Avoidance Package
  6. The 2016 Allen & Overy Prize for the Best Paper in the ECGI Law Working – Paper on “Monetary Liability for Breach of the Duty of Care”
  7. ecoDa’s News

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