ESMA: Q&AS relating to the Prospectus Regulation and the Transparency Directive – ecoDa EU Alert
ESMA: Q&AS relating to the Prospectus Regulation and the Transparency Directive - ecoDa EU Alert
It includes:
- EP : Whistleblowers’ protection
- EP: Taxonomy
- EP: TAX3 Committee
- ESMA: Response to EC consultation on climate-related guidelines
- ESMA: Q&AS relating to the Prospectus Regulation and the Transparency Directive
- Video on DAC6 – EU Directive on cross-border tax arrangements
- France: PACTE Law adopted
- UK: BEIS Committee report – ‘Executive Rewards: paying for success
- India: National Guidelines on Responsible Business
- Swiss Federal Council initiates consultation on improving framework conditions for blockchain
- Norway: Robots should be authorized as financial advisers